【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】関係代名詞 which

I’m attaching the graph I found on the aquarium’s homepage.〔共通テスト〕The other day, I was looking for a new wallet for myself and found a website selling small slim wallets which are designed to hold cards and a few bills.〔共通テスト〕



I found a book and it is very interesting.

この文のand itをwhichに置き換えると関係代名詞の文になります。

I found a book which is very interesting.

このとき、whichはもともとand itであり、主語を含んでいます。そのため、このwhichを主格と言います。言い換えれば、このwhichは文の中で接続詞と主語の役割を果たしているということです。



This is the book and I borrowed it from him.


This is the book which I borrowed from him.



This is the book I borrowed from him.



1. The book which is on the shelf is mine.

2. The car which was parked in front of the house belongs to my neighbor.

3. I visited the museum which has a collection of ancient artifacts.

4. The restaurant which serves my favorite pizza is closed today.

5. I bought a new car which is very fuel-efficient.

6. I found the book which you recommended.

7. She wore the dress which she bought last week.

8. He used the laptop which he got for his birthday.

9. He brought the camera which he won in a photography contest.

10. The book which I need for my research is out of stock.

11. The movie we watched last night was very entertaining.

12. The company I work for is expanding its operations.

13. The car my friend bought last week is a hybrid.

14. The jacket she bought online doesn’t fit her well.

15. The song I like the most is the one with the catchy melody.