【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム trace back to

「trace back to」は「遡る」という意味になります。

「trace back」は、ある出来事や事柄の起源や原因を探るときに使われます。


1. The tradition of exchanging Valentine’s Day cards can be traced back to the Middle Ages.

2. Many modern medicines can trace their origins back to ancient herbal remedies.

3. The history of this castle traces back to the feudal era in Japan.

4. The design of this building traces back to the architectural trends of the 1920s.

5. The origins of this myth can be traced back to ancient Greek folklore.

6. The cultural significance of this dance can be traced back to indigenous rituals.

7. The popularity of yoga in the West can be traced back to its introduction by Indian gurus.

8. The origins of this family recipe can be traced back to generations of passed-down traditions.

9. The etymology of this word can be traced back to Latin and Greek roots.

10. The cultural exchange between these two countries can be traced back to diplomatic efforts in the 19th century.