【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム wake up

I don’t mind waking up early and commuting to work by train.

「wake up」は、「目を覚ます」という意味です。

類似の表現として「get up」があります。「wake up」は単に目が覚めることを指しますが、「get up」はベッドから起き上がることを指しています。


1. I usually wake up at 7 AM on weekdays.

2. She set multiple alarms to ensure she wakes up on time.

3. After a good night’s sleep, I wake up feeling refreshed.

4. The loud noise from the construction site woke me up early in the morning.

5. It’s important to wake up at a consistent time to regulate your body’s internal clock.

6. He couldn’t believe his luck when he woke up to find a sunny day for the picnic.

7. The loud thunderclap outside made the children wake up frightened.

8. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back asleep.

9. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee is enough to make anyone wake up with a smile.

10. She had to wake up early to catch the first train for her weekend trip.