【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム walk around

He’s already walking and running around!

「walk around」は「歩き回る」という意味です。


1. I love to walk around the park in the morning to enjoy the fresh air.

2. She decided to walk around the city to explore its hidden gems.

3. We had some free time, so we decided to walk around the museum.

4. He enjoys walking around the market to find unique souvenirs.

5. On weekends, they like to walk around the neighborhood and meet their friends.

6. Despite the rain, she decided to walk around the town and take photographs.

7. During the vacation, we plan to walk around the historical sites in the city.

8. He often takes his dog to walk around the park in the evening.

9. They spent the afternoon walking around the shopping mall and window shopping.

10. The school organized a field trip for the students to walk around the historical castle.