【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム walk off

“I’ve got practice.” He looked a bit hurt and walked off without saying anything else.
(「練習があるんだ。」 彼は少し傷ついたようで、何も言わずに立ち去った。)

「walk off」は歩いて去るという意味から、「立ち去る」などと訳します。

類似の表現に「walk away」などがあります。


Sure, here are 10 sentences using the expression “walk off” and consisting of vocabulary at the level of the Eiken 2nd grade exam:

1. He got frustrated with the argument and decided to walk off.

2. After the performance, the actor didn’t even wait for the applause, he just walked off the stage.

3. Despite the defeat, the sports team showed great sportsmanship and walked off with their heads held high.

4. She couldn’t handle the criticism from her colleagues, so she walked off in tears.

5. As the argument escalated, he chose to stay calm and walk off rather than engage in a fight.

6. The comedian’s jokes were falling flat, and he could feel the audience’s lack of enthusiasm, so he decided to walk off the stage early.

7. The movie was so terrible that some people even walked off from the theater before it ended.

8. Despite the rain, they were determined to complete their hike and didn’t let the weather make them walk off the trail.

9. She accidentally offended her friend during the conversation, but she quickly apologized and made sure her friend didn’t walk off angry.

10. The party wasn’t as enjoyable as expected, and gradually, people began to walk off and head home.