【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム walk onto

In a moment she would walk onto the stage and receive her prize from the mayor and the judges of the drawing contest.

「walk onto」は、「歩いて~に入る、上がる」という意味です。


類似の表現に「walk into」があります。これも「歩いて~に入る」という意味で、ほぼ同じような使い方ができます。


1. I walk onto the stage with confidence, ready to give my presentation.

2. She walked onto the soccer field, eager to join her teammates for practice.

3. They walked onto the movie set and were amazed by the elaborate set designs.

4. He walked onto the campus on the first day of school, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

5. After waiting in line, they finally walked onto the roller coaster ride.

6. As the curtains opened, the actors walked onto the stage, ready to perform.

7. With a big smile, she walked onto the podium to accept her well-deserved award.

8. The students walked onto the museum exhibit, eager to learn about ancient civilizations.

9. They walked onto the hiking trail, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

10. As the team captain, he proudly walked onto the field, ready to lead his teammates to victory.