【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム walk to

She lives nearby and walks to school.

「walk to」は「~へ歩いていく」という意味です。


1. I usually walk to the station in the morning.

2. She decided to walk to the park to enjoy the nice weather.

3. He prefers to walk to school instead of taking the bus.

4. They often walk to the beach to watch the sunset.

5. We can walk to the museum from here; it’s not far.

6. After dinner, they like to walk to the nearby ice cream shop.

7. She planned to walk to the bookstore to buy some new novels.

8. We will have to walk to the mountain cabin as the road is closed.

9. He enjoys walking to the market on weekends to buy fresh produce.

10. Despite the rain, they decided to walk to the café for a cup of coffee.