【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム bump into

bump into は、人や物と偶然に出くわす、予定外に会うという意味を持っています。元々は、物理的な衝突を指す言葉として使われていたようですが、近年ではより転じて、予定外の出会いを指すイディオムとして広く使われるようになりました。


bump into に類似する表現として、run into や encounter という言葉があります。 run into は、偶然に出くわすという意味で、bump into と非常に近い使い方ができます。一方、encounter は、よりフォーマルな表現であり、予定外の出会いだけでなく、問題や困難にも使える点が異なります。


1. I bumped into my old friend at the mall yesterday.

2. She often bumps into her neighbor while walking her dog in the park.

3. We bumped into each other at the airport, both heading to the same destination.

4. He managed to avoid bumping into the furniture while moving around in the dark.

5. They unexpectedly bumped into a rare species of bird during their hike in the forest.

6. I bumped into my professor at the library and had an interesting conversation with him.

7. While rushing to catch the bus, he accidentally bumped into a streetlamp.

8. She was so engrossed in her book that she didn’t notice she had bumped into someone.

9. The two teams unexpectedly bumped into each other in the finals of the competition.

10. Despite their efforts to avoid it, the cars eventually bumped into each other at the intersection.