【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム care about

Most people our age don’t care about politics.

care about は、「気にかける」「気にする」「心配する」「大切に思う」といった意味で使われます。

もともと care about は「心配する」「気にする」という意味で使われ使われていましたが、現代ではよりポジティブなニュアンスを持ち、ある事柄や人に対して興味や愛情を持つことを示す表現として使用されています。


同様の意味を持つ他の表現としては、care for や be interested in などがあります。care for は、「心を配る」「世話をする」といった意味で使用され、人に対する思いやりや配慮を示します。be interested in は、「興味がある」という意味で、特定のトピックや活動に対しての興味を表現します。


1. I care about the environment, so I always recycle my waste.

2. She cares about her appearance, and she spends a lot of time on her makeup.

3. They care about their health, so they exercise regularly and eat nutritious food.

4. He cares about his grades, and he always studies hard for exams.

5. We care about our friends’ well-being, so we are always there to support them.

6. She cares about animal rights, and she volunteers at a local animal shelter.

7. They care about social justice, and they participate in protests and demonstrations.

8. He cares about education, so he became a teacher to make a positive impact on students’ lives.

9. We care about our community, so we organize clean-up campaigns to keep it tidy.

10. She cares about equality, and she fights against discrimination in all its forms.

また、care about の否定形は、ある事柄について興味や関心がないことを表現するために使われます。こちらの形もよく使います。

1. I do not care about fashion trends.

2. They do not care about their grades.

3. She does not care about what others think of her.

4. He does not care about money.

5. We do not care about the weather.

6. They do not care about the result of the game.

7. She does not care about fame or recognition.

8. He does not care about his appearance.

9. We do not care about gossip.

10. They do not care about following rules.