
part 1

1 Some of these traffic regulations, which have got out of date, should be (   ) away with as soon as possible.

 1 stopped  2 rid  3 removed  4 done

2 I think Mike would be (   ) person to hurt other people’s feelings.

 1 the last  2 better  3 the least  4 worst

3 My soccer ball (   ) quickly because I play soccer every day.

 1 puts on  2 wears out  3 puts off  4 wears on

4 The new employee came up (   ) a crazy idea.

 1 with what seemed like  2 to be seemed like
 3 with what is thought like  4 to being what seems to be

5 その会社は通常は学歴にもとづいて従業員を雇うが,今回はそうではない。

 The company usually hires employees (   ) (   ) (   ) educational background, but it (   ) (   ) (   ) this time.

 [ the basis / the case / for / is / not / on / of ] (1語不要)


1 正解 4 「時代遅れになっているこれらの交通規制のいくつかは、できるだけ早く廃止されるべきです。」

 do away with ~を廃止する

2 正解 1 「マイクはもっとも他の人の感情を傷つけそうにない人だと思います。」

 the last person to もっとも~しそうにない人

3 正解 2 「私は毎日サッカーをしているので、私のサッカーボールはすぐにすり減ります。」

 wear out すり減る
 put on ~を身に付ける
 put off ~を延期する
 wear on ~を疲れさせる

4 正解 1 「新入社員は、狂った考えのように思われることを思いつきました。」

 come up with ~を思いつく
 what seemed like ~のように見えること

5 正解 The company usually hires employees on the basis of educational background, but it is not the case this time.

 on the basis of ~にもとづいて
 it is the case 当てはまる

part 2

6 The author invited us to sit on the sofa, saying, “Please make (   ) at home.”

 1 you  2 themselves  3 all of you  4 yourselves

7 ありきたりな毎日の習慣があなたの健康に大いに影響があると彼は指摘した。

 He (   ) (   ) that simple everyday habits can (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) to your health.

 [ a / influences / difference / big / out / make / pointed ] (1語不要)

8 Since she is worried about her grandmother, she cannot (   ) to go abroad to study.

 1 make up her mind  2 make up for her mind
 3 make her mind up for  4 make her mind down

9 ずいぶん古い自転車ですが,少し手を入れれば,あと数年は十分乗れます。

 The bicycle is rather old, but (   ) (   ) (   ) a little and you will be able to (   ) (   ) (   ) of it for a few more years.

 [ it / good / make / up / use / ride / fix ] (1語不要)

10 彼は30代前半で商売に成功した。

 He (   ) (   ) (   ) business when he was in (   ) (   ) (   ).

 [ in / succeed / made / late / his / it / thirties ] (1語不要)


6 正解 4 「作家は私たちにソファーに座るようにすすめ、『どうぞくつろいでください』と言った。」

 make yourself at home くつろぐ

7 正解 He pointed out that simple everyday habits can make a big difference to your health.

 point out ~を指摘する
 make a difference 違いをもたらす

8 正解 1 「彼女は祖母を心配しているので、留学する決心ができません。」

 make up one’s mind 決心する

9 正解 The bicycle is rather old, but fix it up a little and you will be able to make good use of it for a few more years.

 fix up 修理する
 make use 利用する

10 正解 He made it in business when he was in his late thirties.

 make it やり遂げる

part 3

11 Mr. Sato insisted that the express company make up (   ) his lost package.

 1 from  2 at  3 for  4 into

12 台所には2つ以上のテーブルを置く余裕がなかった。

 I could (   ) (   ) (   ) in the kitchen (   ) (   ) (   ) one table.

 [ room / than / there / for / make / not / more ] (1語不要)

13 父は,小さな活字をなんとか判読しようとして,読書用メガネをかけた。

 My father (   ) (   ) his reading glasses (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) the small print.

 [ in / to / on / an attempt / put / wore / make out ](1語不要)

14 He couldn’t (   ) for his absence from work.

 1 account  2 reason  3 talk  4 say

15 Please (   ) cake.

 1 give yourself to  2 cook by yourself in
 3 help yourself  4 cut for yourself with


11 正解 3 「佐藤氏は運送会社が彼の失われた荷物の埋め合わせをするように主張した。」

 make up for ~の埋め合わせをする

12 正解 I could not make room in the kitchen for more than one table.

 make room for ~のための空間を設ける

13 正解 My father put on his reading glasses in an attempt to make out the small print.

 put on ~を身に付ける
 make out ~を作り上げる

14 正解 1 「彼は仕事を休んだ理由を説明できなかった。」

 account for ~を説明する

15 正解 3 「どうぞケーキを自由に取ってください。」

 help yourself ~ ~をご自由にどうぞ

part 4

16 写真を始めた頃,彼の写真はかなりお粗末だった。もちろんカメラに問題があったわけではないが。

 His photographs were rather poor when he was first (   ) (   ) photography; it had (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) the camera, though.

 [ do / up / nothing / problems / taking / to / with ] (1語不要)

17 I cannot even imagine leaving my hometown, (   ) going abroad on my own.

 1 after all  2 beside  3 let alone  4 nor

18 彼がやったことのすべてを把握していたわけではなかったので,あなたの責任ではありません。

 Since you (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) all his actions, you cannot be (   ) (   ).

 [ not / fault / at / of / responsibility / aware / were ] (1語不要)

19 「3掛ける2は?」「なあんだ,そんなこと子供だって答えられるよ。

 “What (   ) (   ) (   ) two?” “Why, (   ) (   ) (   ) that.”

 [ a child / could / three / is / answer / times / even ] (1語不要)

20 8を2で割ると4になる。

 (   ) (   ) (   ) 2, and (   ) (   ) (   ).

 [ you / 8 / 4 / get / divide / if / by ] (1語不要)

21 彼女に誠実さを信じてもらおうと,彼はとても苦心した。

 He (   ) (   ) (   ) to (   ) (   ) (   ) his sincerity.

 [ of / great / her / assure / took / pains / many ] (1語不要)


16 正解 His photographs were rather poor when he was first taking up photography; it had nothing to do with the camera, tough.

 take up ~に取りかかる
 have nothing to do with ~と関係がない

17 正解 3 「私は自分の故郷を離れるさえ想像できないし、自分で海外に行くことはなおさら想像できない。」

 let alone ~は言うまでもなく

18 正解 Since you were not aware of all his actions, you cannot be at fault.

 be aware of ~に気を付ける,認識する
 at fault 間違って,落ち度がある

19 正解 “What is three times two?” “Why, a child could answer that.”

 ~ times ~倍

20 正解 Divide 8 by 2, and you get 4.

 divideby … ~を…で割る

21 正解 He took great pains to assure her of his sincerity.

 take pain 苦心する
 assure A of B AにBを確信させる