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第5問 音声は1回流れます。



Asian Elephants
♢ General Information
◆ Size: Largest land animal in Asia
◆ Habitats: South and Southeast Asia
◆ Characteristics:   〔 27 〕  
♢ Threats to Elephants
Threat 1: Illegal Commercial Activities
◆ using elephant body parts for accessories, 28, medicine
◆ capturing live elephants for 29
Threat 2: Habitat Loss Due to Land Development
✦ a decrease in elephant 30 interaction
✦ an increase in human and elephant 31

問27 ワークシートの空欄27に入れるのに最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢①~④のうちから一つ選びなさい。

① Aggressive and strong
② Cooperative and smart
③ Friendly and calm
④ Independent and intelligent

問28~31 ワークシートの空欄2831に入れるのに最も適切なものを,六つの選択肢①~⑥のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。選択肢は2回以上使ってもかまいません。

① clothing
② cosmetics
③ deaths
④ friendship
⑤ group
⑥ performances

問32 講義の内容と一致するものはどれか。 最も適切なものを、四つの選択肢①~④のうちから一つ選びなさい。

① Efforts to stop illegal activities are effective in allowing humans to expand their housing projects.
② Encounters between different elephant groups are responsible for the decrease in agricultural development.
③ Helping humans and Asian elephants live together is a key to preserving elephants’ lives and habitats.
④ Listing the Asian elephant as an endangered species is a way to solve environmental problems.

問27 正解 2

問28 正解 2 問29 正解 6 問30 正解 5 問31 正解 3

問32 正解 3

Today, our topic is the Asian elephant, the largest land animal in Asia. They are found across South and Southeast Asia. Asian elephants are sociable animals that usually live in groups and are known for helping each other. They are also intelligent and have the ability to use tools.

The Asian elephant’s population has dropped greatly over the last 75 years, even though this animal is listed as endangered. Why has this happened? One reason for this decline is illegal human activities. Wild elephants have long been killed for ivory. But now, there is a developing market for other body parts, including skin and tail hair. These body parts are used for accessories, skin care products, and even medicine. Also, the number of wild elephants caught illegally is increasing because performing elephants are popular as tourist attractions.

Housing developments and farming create other problems for elephants. Asian elephants need large areas to live in, but these human activities have reduced their natural habitats and created barriers between elephant groups. As a result, there is less contact between elephant groups and their numbers are declining. Also, many elephants are forced to live close to humans, resulting in deadly incidents for both humans and elephants.

What actions have been taken to improve the Asian elephant’s future? People are forming patrol units and other groups that watch for illegal activities. People are also making new routes to connect elephant habitats, and are constructing fences around local living areas to protect both people and elephants.

Next, let’s look at the current situation for elephants in different Asian countries. Each group will give its report to the class.


アジアゾウは絶滅危惧種に指定されていますが,この動物の個体数は過去 75 年間で大幅に減少しました。このことはなぜ起こったのでしょうか。この減少の1つの理由は,違法な人間の活動です。野生のゾウは長い間,象牙のために殺されてきました。しかし現在,皮膚や尻尾の毛など,他の体の部分の市場が発展しつつあります。これらの体の部分は,アクセサリーやスキンケア製品、薬にさえ使われます。また,ゾウの公演は観光客の呼び物として人気があるため,違法に捕獲される野生のゾウの数が増加しています。





① 攻撃的で強い
② 協調的で賢い
③ 優しく穏やか
④ 独立心が強く知的


① 衣服
② 化粧品
③ 死
④ 友情
⑤ 群れ
⑥ 公演


① 違法な活動を止める努力は,人間が住宅事業を拡大できるようにするのに効果的である。
② 異なるゾウの群れ同士の遭遇は,農業開発の減少の原因である。
③ 人間とアジアゾウがともに生きるのを助けることは,ゾウの生活と生息地を守るための鍵である。
④ アジアゾウを絶滅危惧種に指定することは,環境問題を解決するための1つの方法である。



① Efforts to protect endangered animals have increased the number of elephants in Sri Lanka.
② Monitoring illegal activities in Sri Lanka has been effective in eliminating elephant deaths.
③ Sri Lanka has not seen an increase in the number of elephants that have died due to human-elephant encounters.
④ Steps taken to protect elephants have not produced the desired results in Sri Lanka yet.

問33 正解 4

Our group studied deadly encounters between humans and elephants in Sri Lanka. In other countries, like India, many more people than elephants die in these encounters. By contrast, similar efforts in Sri Lanka show a different trend. Let’s take a look at the graph and the data we found.


① 絶滅の危機にある動物を保護するための努力によって,スリランカではゾウの数が増加している。
② スリランカにおける違法な活動を監視することは,ゾウの死亡をなくすのに効果的であった。
③ スリランカでは,人間とゾウの遭遇によって死亡したゾウの数の増加は見られない。
④ 象を保護するために講じられた手段は,スリランカではまだ望ましい結果をもたらしていない。
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