問1 16 2
問2 17 3
こんにちは,私はケイトリンです。私は最近の部の旅行からの 2 つの実用的なキャンプの教訓を共有したいと思います。1 番目は,リュックを 3 つの主な部分に分け,リュックのバランスをとるために真ん中の部分に最も重いものを入れることです。次に,より頻繁に使われる日用品は上の部分に置かれるべきです。それは,底にあなたの寝袋を置き,真ん中に食べ物,調理器具,テント,そして上に服を置くということです。ほとんどの優れたリュックは,小さくて手の届きやすい品物のための「頭」(追加のポーチ) が付いています。
問1 あなたがケイトリンのアドバイスに従うなら,あなたはリュックにどのように詰めるべきか。16
問2 ケイトリンによれば,17は一晩中暖かく過ごすための最も良い方法である。
① テントから出るのを避けること
② キャンプファイヤーのそばで温かい食事をすること
③ 寝袋の隙間を埋めること
④ 余分な服をすべて着ること
問1 18 3 19 4 20 2 21 1
問2 22 3
問3 23 2
3 番目の手続きは,パズルと課題を設計することです。役に立つアイデアは,解決策から逆方向に作業することです。その任務が 3 桁の南京錠で施錠された箱を開くことであるなら,3 桁のコードを隠す方法について考えて下さい。古い本は中にメッセージを隠すのに素晴らしいものです。私は謎の文章を形作るためにさまざまなページの単語に下線を引いて謎の文章を作成するのはとても楽しかったです。パズルは,最終目標に近づくにつれて徐々により難しくなるべきであることを覚えておいて下さい。盛り上がるために,私は次に子供たちに衣装を着てもらいました。私が長男に虫眼鏡を渡すと彼は興奮し,すぐにシャーロック・ホームズのように振る舞い始めました。その後,子どもたちは最初の手がかりを探し始めました。
問1 次の出来事(①~④)をそれらが起こった順に並べなさい。
① 子どもたちは彼らの好みではない食べ物を食べた。
② 子どもたちはお菓子を探し始めた。
③ 父は家のリビングルームを飾った。
④ 父は息子たちに着るための服をいくつか与えた。
問2 あなたがあなた自身の「冒険部屋」を作るために父親のアドバイスに従うなら,あなたは22すべきである。
① 3 文字の単語に集中する
② ランプの下に秘密のメッセージを残す
③ 課題を徐々に難しくする
④ シャーロック・ホームズのように振る舞う練習をする
問3 この話から,あなたは父親が23ことが分かる。
① お菓子を探すことに集中するようになった
② 特に彼の彼の子供たちのための体験を作った
③ 冒険ゲームの準備に苦労した
④ 部屋を飾るのに大金を費やした
You are studying at Camberford University, Sydney. You are going on a class camping trip and are reading the camping club’s newsletter to prepare.
Going camping? Read me!!!
Hi, I’m Kaitlyn. I want to share two practical camping lessons from my recent club trip. The first thing is to divide your backpack into three main parts and put the heaviest items in the middle section to balance the backpack. Next, more frequently used daily necessities should be placed in the top section. That means putting your sleeping bag at the bottom; food, cookware and tent in the middle; and your clothes at the top. Most good backpacks come with a “brain” (an additional pouch) for small easy-to-reach items.
Last year, in the evening, we had fun cooking and eating outdoors. I had been sitting close to our campfire, but by the time I got back to the tent I was freezing. Although I put on extra layers of clothes before going to sleep, I was still cold. Then, my friend told me to take off my outer layers and stuff them into my sleeping bag to fill up some of the empty space. This stuffing method was new to me, and surprisingly kept me warm all night!
I hope my advice helps you stay warm and comfortable. Enjoy your camping trip!
問1 If you take Kaitlyn’s advice, how should you fill your backpack? 16
問2 According to Kaitlyn,17 is the best method to stay warm all night.
① avoiding going out of your tent
② eating hot meals beside your campfire
③ filling the gaps in your sleeping bag
④ wearing all of your extra clothes
Your English club will make an “adventure room” for the school festival. To get some ideas, you are reading a blog about a room a British man created.
Create Your Own “Home Adventure”
Last year, I took part in an “adventure room” experience. I really enjoyed it, so I created one for my children. Here are some tips on making your own.
First, pick a theme. My sons are huge Sherlock Holmes fans, so I decided on a detective mystery. I rearranged the furniture in our family room, and added some old paintings and lamps I had to set the scene.
Next, create a storyline. Ours was The Case of the Missing Chocolates. My children would be “detectives” searching for clues to locate the missing sweets.
The third step is to design puzzles and challenges. A useful idea is to work backwards from the solution. If the task is to open a box locked with a three-digit padlock, think of ways to hide a three-digit code. Old books are fantastic for hiding messages in. I had tremendous fun underlining words on different pages to form mystery sentences. Remember that the puzzles should get progressively more difficult near the final goal. To get into the spirit, I then had the children wear costumes. My eldest son was excited when I handed him a magnifying glass, and immediately began acting like Sherlock Holmes. After that, the children started to search for the first clue.
This “adventure room” was designed specifically for my family, so I made some of the challenges personal. For the final task, I took a couple of small cups and put a plastic sticker in each one, then filled them with yogurt. The “detectives” had to eat their way to the bottom to reveal the clues. Neither of my kids would eat yogurt, so this truly was tough for them. During the adventure, my children were totally focused, and they enjoyed themselves so much that we will have another one next month.
問1 Put the following events (①~④) into the order in which they happened. 18→19→20→21
① The children ate food they are not fond of.
② The children started the search for the sweets.
③ The father decorated the living room in the house.
④ The father gave his sons some clothes to wear.
問2 If you follow the father’s advice to create your own “adventure room,” you should 22.
① concentrate on three-letter words
② leave secret messages under the lamps
③ make the challenges gradually harder
④ practise acting like Sherlock Holmes
問3 From this story, you understand that the father 23.
① became focused on searching for the sweets
② created an experience especially for his children
③ had some trouble preparing the adventure game
④ spent a lot of money decorating the room